The Tripura CPIM charges institutional corruption and constitutional violations against the BJP

In a scathing critique of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) administration in Tripura, the Communist Party of India (Marxist) [CPIM] has leveled accusations of flouting constitutional norms and institutionalized corruption against the ruling party. Leader of Opposition, Jitendra Chaudhury, lambasted the BJP’s assertions of maintaining peace in the state since 2018, asserting today that members of the ruling party consistently violate constitutional mandates, with the party’s leadership allegedly entangled in illicit activities. Speaking at a media briefing, Chaudhury condemned the state’s entire system as corrupted and entrenched in institutional malpractices.

Chaudhury’s remarks followed the tragic demise of Bharat Ratna Sangha Club Secretary, Durga Prasanna Deb, who was fatally shot at point-blank range in the Hati Para area of Agartala. “The BJP has long been associated with individuals engaged in unlawful activities, showing blatant disregard for constitutional norms. Their primary focus seems to be advancing the interests of the party elite and their associates,” Chaudhury asserted. Serving as both the Leader of Opposition and the CPIM state committee secretary, Chaudhury underscored that incidents like the recent murder of Bharat Ratna Sangha’s Secretary are not isolated occurrences. He claimed that over the past six years, numerous such murders have been linked to illicit dealings, including the manipulation of beneficiary lists, procurement irregularities, and biased tender allocations, allegedly orchestrated by the party hierarchy.

“The law enforcement apparatus has been severely compromised. The entrenched influence of the party’s top brass obstructs thorough investigations. Despite the BJP’s claims of ensuring law and order, why do reports from the National Crime Records Bureau consistently highlight alarming rates of atrocities, child trafficking, and border smuggling?” questioned Chaudhury. He further emphasized that the recent arrest of a 65-year-old individual implicated in the murder does not address the root issue, suggesting the involvement of multiple perpetrators. Chaudhury concluded by lamenting that the entire system has succumbed to corruption and institutional decay under the BJP’s governance.

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