Congress is being criticized by Narendra Modi for “not contesting even minimum number of seats” to form government

On Tuesday, Narendra Modi intensified his criticism of Sharad Pawar, the leader of the NCP-SP, by targeting him for the predicament of sugarcane farmers. Along with attacking the Congress, he exhorted the people not to support a party that isn’t even running for the amount of seats needed to form a government at the center. At a Maharashtra rally, Prime Minister Modi remarked, “Farmers used to make rounds of sugarcane commission for their arrears when a big Maharashtra leader was Union agriculture minister.” Additionally, PM Modi disparaged Sushil Kumar Shinde, a former minister and Congress politician. He added that fifteen years prior, a highly powerful politician had sworn to supply water to Maharashtra’s drought-stricken regions.

He declared that the leader has to be punished for breaking the agreement. A very important leader came here to run for office fifteen years ago. Subsequently, he swore and promised to supply water to the regions impacted by the drought. However, he broke his word, and this is the right moment to punish him, Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated. Praniti Shinde, the daughter of Sushil Kumar Shinde, is the Solapur-based Congress contender. Congress, according to PM Modi, is to blame for the public’s need for every drop of water. This sin of having people long for every drop of water has been practiced for years, whether it is in Vidarbha or Marathwada. The nation granted Congress a 60-year term in power.

Many nations have undergone significant transformation in the past 60 years, yet Congress has been unable to supply water for farmers’ fields.About 100 irrigation projects, 26 of which were in Maharashtra, had been stalled for decades in 2014. He went on, “Just consider what a huge betrayal Congress has done to Maharashtra.” PM Modi urged the people not to support a party that is not even running for the bare minimum of seats required for a simple majority in the Lok Sabha at the Malshiras rally on Tuesday. PM Modi referred to Sharad Pawar as a “wandering soul” earlier this week.

Maharashtra has something called a “bhatakti atma.” It ruins the hard work of others if it is unable to handle success. Modi had stated at a rally on Monday that Maharashtra had been a victim of it. The same leader launched this game forty-five years ago. Maharashtra has always been an unstable state, but that was only because of his personal ambition. According to Modi, this prevented a number of chief ministers from serving out their entire terms.

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